Thursday, August 27, 2020
Lindsey deGruy Monday Is Pepto Bismol Pink (Narrat Essays
Lindsey deGruy Monday Is Pepto Bismol Pink (Narrat Essays Lindsey deGruy Monday Is Pepto Bismol Pink (Narrative on Synesthesia) What shading is three ' to you? I ask my companion, after clarifying that for me, it's a delicate shade of backwoods green. We're seven years of age and spread out on towels under the sweltering Las Vegas sun, attempting our best to keep up discussion in the midst of a significant piece of popsicle. My interest is met with a befuddled gaze and a reaction along the lines of, I'm not catching your meaning? This was the first occasion when I understood that the manner in which I see things is not quite the same as that of my friends. It was additionally the first in a long queue of inquiries that I in the long run simply quit posing. Up until the age of twelve, I felt like an untouchable. It wasn ' t a forlornness issue I had a lot of companions. The situation was that I didn't see how no ne of them saw hues, shapes, and examples when they tuned in to music ; for what reason to me, the long stretch of July was a forc eful shade of orange and had an aftertaste like cream pop while to them , it was essentially July. I couldn ' t appreciate the idea of Wednesday modifying itself anyplace however over one ' s left nostril, couldn ' t fold my head over the thought of a stomachache being definitely not twisted and twisting wisps of yellow and blue. My seeing and feeling things thusly may not seem like it was excessively impeding to my prosperity during my formative years in light of the fact that, at a surface level, it wasn ' t. All things considered, there was no genuine correspondence boundary, and truly (other than a dreadful propensity for strolling on my toes) I was similarly as capable as every other person. I could do whatever it was my companions were managing with no genuine issues emerging. Issues sprang up, notwithstanding, now and again when it was essential for me to pass on my musings and emotions to other people. Encountering things uniquely in contrast to those I was encircled by made that correspondence procedure one that is as of now hard for most youth considerably harder. My perceptual dissimilarities were something that could be effectively forgotten about or kept away from, however the issue was that I never could (some of the time despite everything can ' t) tell whether the manner in which I saw something was a similar route as every other person did or one of a kind to me in particular. In every one of the couple of occurrences that I opened up, I ' d received nothing consequently except for a curious or at times even basic response, leaving me to feel just as there was some kind of problem with me from a little age. These emotions dispersed and left an entirely different universe of probability trailing behind them when I was scanning for a task subject in eight h grade. I went to an undertaking based school where, rather than following an exacting educational program, we needed to work independentl y, picking points that both intrigued us and fit insi de state rules. The necessity being that I picked something in the science class, I chose to go the brain science course and take a gander at a rundown of disagreeable neurological conditions. The ordered rundown contained brief depictions of every one. I skimmed through it to no quick benefit and was near the precarious edge of surrendering when something got my attention : a marvel called synesthesia . There was and still is a genuine examination shortage on the subject, however it was portrayed, to put it plainly, as the automatic intersection of the faculties ; and the purported indications were strikingly natural . It wasn ' t only a me thing all things considered. Individuals with synesthesia all experience it in an unexpected way, yet one thing is unmistakable: they don't experience feelings and recognitions or see the world on the an incredible same range as somebody without it. Basically, the meaning of synesthesia as per William James is a curious joining of sense obs ervations. This implies the intersection of any two faculties or more , be that as it may, and faculties influence everybody solely; so much less basically, there are truly endless crosses, mixes , and results synesthesia can create. A few people acquire the capacity to taste shapes , a few
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Stress Management Concept
Stress Management Concept Presentation Organizations are progressively encountering a test emerging from the dynamic idea of the earth in which they work. So as to make due in this condition, it is central for these associations to build up their upper hand. One of the routes through which they can accomplish this is by incorporating the idea of authoritative development.Advertising We will compose a custom basic composing test on Stress Management Concept explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Anderson (2011, p.2) characterizes hierarchical improvement as the different hierarchical Work content Job content The activity may not be moving enough hence making it to be dull The assignments might be upsetting and lacking assortment. Working hours Long working hours Unpredictable working hours Job-move frameworks might be insufficiently structured Inflexible working timetables Participation and control The representatives may not be engaged with the choice Lack of advancement possibilities Unfair e xecution examination frameworks Job weakness. The activity might be of low social worth Poor compensation plans making process. Work Context Career improvement, compensation and employment status . Relational relationship Lack of help from the administrators. Absence of an all around characterized technique to determine work issues and protests. Poor relationship with representatives. Home-work interface Conflicting requests among work and home obligations. Absence of help in managing local issues from work. Absence of help for work issues by relatives. Authoritative culture Poor hierarchical administration. Absence of lucidity on authoritative goals. Job in the association Conflicting jobs inside a similar activity. Indistinct jobs Stress the executives According to Fried (2008, p. 61), stress the executives involves the different methods that are utilized in taking out sentiments of strain. If not all around oversaw, stress may lead into useless conduct among the workers notwithst anding poor mental and physical wellbeing. For instance, stress may result into outrageous states of being, for example, heart infections, hypertension, stomach related framework entanglements and musculo-skeletal scatters. Because of stress, the employeesââ¬â¢ operational productivity is fundamentally diminished. The employeesââ¬â¢ capacity to settle on compelling choices and to think consistently is likewise influenced. Parker (2007, p. 32) attests that pressure leads into a decrease in the employeesââ¬â¢ level of duty in their obligations. Worry in the work environment contrarily influences representatives efficiency and thus the organizationââ¬â¢s execution. Over the ongoing past, associations in various monetary parts have valued the quality of connection between the prosperity of their workforce and their profitability. Firms in general society and private area are progressively valuing the expenses related with pressure (Weinberg, Sutherland Cooper, 2010, p. 61). Stress the executives is one of the routes through which they are coordinating with an end goal to limit pressure. As per Ron (2004, p.1), it is assessed that activity worry in the United States costs organizations more than $ 300 billion in their corporate benefit every year. This expense emerges from expanded protests by clients and customers, a high pace of non-attendance, an ascent in lawful cases by representatives, poor employeesââ¬â¢ execution and profitability, and absence of worker responsibility. Every day, it is evaluated that one million individuals don't go to work day by day in the United State because of working environment stress over-burden (Ron, 2004, p. 1).Advertising Searching for basic composition on brain science? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Ashworth (2005, para. 1) In 2005, the pace of unscheduled truancy in the US arrived at its five-year high because of various variables among them stress. As per Leka, Griffiths and Cox (2003, p. 14), wastefulness in overseeing work pressure discolors an organizationââ¬â¢s picture both inside and remotely. Ron (2004, p.1) is of the assessment that pressure is a significant issue in an organizationââ¬â¢s activity. Be that as it may, it is shocking to see the rate at which authoritative CFOs and CEOs are worried about accomplishing the ideal productivity. Moreover, firmââ¬â¢s supervisory crews are likewise worried about guaranteeing that the representatives are submitted in executing their obligations. Notwithstanding this, most associations have not executed methodologies planned for managing worry at the work environment. As indicated by Jex and Britt (2008, p.222), one of the best strategies for managing pressure related risks in work environment is through pressure the exec utives. The best pressure the board methodologies that an association can execute are those that check it from arriving at over the top levels. In the 21st century, associations are progressively valuing the significance of being engaged with overseeing business related pressure (Kaila, 2005, p.494). The method of reasoning for this pattern is that associations are somewhat engaged with making the workers to be focused. Therefore, they ought to be effectively associated with assuaging it. The other method of reasoning is that workers who are less focused on are progressively compelling in their obligations. With an end goal to oversee pressure, associations have executed two primary systems. These incorporate; Institutional projects Collateral projects Institutional projects These involve the different pressure decrease techniques that are built up through various authoritative instruments (Griffin Moorhead, 2011, p. 191). For instance, so as to set up work-life balance, association s ought to successfully plan their occupations. As per Kaila (2005, p.494), working in movements can be a wellspring of worry to representatives. This emerges from the way that the workers will be compelled to change their unwinding and dozing designs. In this manner, it is fundamental for associations to actualize work plans that add to decrease of pressure. One of the path through which an association can accomplish this is by coordinating adaptable working calendar. This will offer representatives a chance to deal with their non-work exercises, for example, advance their vocation by returning to class, having time with their family and being engaged with recreational exercises. Building up work-life parity can be extremely valuable to the two representatives and the associations. Worry inside an association can likewise be diminished by making a solid authoritative culture. One such culture that associations can incorporate involves guaranteeing that there is a harmony between th e representatives work and non-work exercises. For instance, a firmââ¬â¢s supervisory group may make it to be a standard that all representatives ought to take some time off or take a break from work so as to unwind. Another institutional system that a firm can consider involves guaranteeing that there is viable management. As indicated by Kaila (2005, p.494), a boss can make workers be worried by over-burdening them with errands. To stay away from this, a firmââ¬â¢s supervisory group ought to guarantee that its workers are allocated sensible and sensible assignments. Guarantee programs These incorporate pressure decrease programs that are explicitly intended to helping representatives to adapt to pressure. There are diverse security programs that associations consolidate in their pressure the board endeavors. A portion of these incorporate Health Promotion Programs (HPPs), Employee Wellness Programs (EWPs) and Stress Management Programs. As per Werner and DeSimone (2009, p.36 2), HPPs and EWPs are made out of different exercises that are planned for improving hierarchical practices and advancing worker conduct. The center target is to guarantee that the workers are fit and beneficial to play out their obligations. The HPP and EWP programs depend on the rule that representative health doesn't just involve guaranteeing that the workers are not wiped out. In any case, they are planned for urging representatives to receive ways of life that contribute towards amplification of their prosperity. In their wellbeing advancement programs, associations join an all encompassing methodology by instructing representatives on various issues. The wellbeing advancement programs are made out of various measurements that are planned for advancing worker health. These incorporate enthusiastic, physical, mental, otherworldly, collective and social measurements. As per Kaila (2005, p.494), guarantee programs urge workers to be engaged with practices hence decreasing pressure by implication. Be that as it may, execution of security programs as pressure the board procedures can be exorbitant. This emerges from the way that associations will be required to put resources into the important physical offices. Regardless of this, Kaila (2005, p.494) states that an ever increasing number of associations are progressively investigating this alternative in their pressure the executives. Studies which have been led uncover that wellness and prosperity programs fundamentally lessen non-attendance because of stress. Moreover, they additionally help in improving an employeeââ¬â¢s psychological well-being and their capacity to oppose pressure. Preparing and improvement According to Donaldson-Fielder, Lewis and Yarker (2011, p. 67), associations likewise use preparing and advancement intercessions in overseeing pressure. There are two fundamental routes through which associations use preparing and advancement in their pressure the executives. These incorporate spec ialized abilities preparing and stress the board aptitudes preparing. Specialized aptitudes preparing Technical abilities preparing upgrades employeesââ¬â¢ capacity to adapt to work necessities. For instance, specialized abilities preparing contribute towards huge decrease in the measure of exertion required to execute an undertaking. The resultant impact is that representatives experience insignificant pressure emerging from work requests and weight. Through specialized abilities preparing, an employeeââ¬â¢
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Different Types of Holocaust Essay Topics
The Different Types of Holocaust Essay TopicsThere are a few different Holocaust essay topics to choose from. Here are the basics to get you started.General essay topics are usually based on the typical level of formal education that most college students have. These topics include the history of the Holocaust and the many aspects of this horrific event. The specific topics may be any of these: the motivations of the Holocaust, the main topics and details of the death camps, the hierarchy of the Jewish population, and more. By not getting into too much detail, it will make the essay easier to read for your reader.The common version of Holocaust essay topics is the 'Heroes' version. This means that the essay centers on some special people, and the words used to describe them and the events surrounding them are all included in the essay. Some examples of topics might be something like, 'Robert Jackson, the commander of the Warsaw Uprising; the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Albert Speer, the head of the Nazi's weapons production; or Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister.' Again, it's important to keep the essay easy to read and remember.Generally speaking, studies have shown that studies essays focus on historical facts. Many professors prefer this type of essay, as they are able to relate the facts to current events and conflicts. However, if you want to write a more personal essay, or just want to create a very personal story, you can use personal essay topics to do so.The most popular of these personal essay topics are about the Holocaust. It's a lot easier to talk about the history of the Holocaust than to talk about the personal experiences of the survivors, as well as the people who helped the survivors, and the countless others that were involved in carrying out the most atrocious crimes ever committed in human history. For instance, we can talk about the many innocent children who died as a result of the program known as the Auschwitz-Birkenau program. O r, we can talk about how many children died from hunger, or how the adults starved to death after being trapped in death chambers during the Holocaust.Because of the nature of the Holocaust, the topic for the essay must be based on a specific event that took place. For instance, we can talk about the death camps and the thousands of Jews who were put in gas chambers. Or, we can talk about how the Nazis killed countless numbers of people without their knowledge, and those who did not follow orders to the fullest extent.Although many people will not find this type of essay topic useful, because it's such a personal topic, it's a good way to touch on the past while still discussing current events. It's the most effective way to provide both factual information and an overview of the events that were involved in the Holocaust.It's important to realize that there are many different Holocaust essay topics. It's really just a matter of finding the one that is right for you. Remember, a wel l-written essay is a great tool for getting your point across, but it needs to be focused and deliver a strong message, too.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Angora Goat Facts
The angora goat (Capra hircus aegagrus) is a domestic goat which has been deliberately bred to produce a soft, luxurious coat suitable for human textile manufacture.à Angoras were first developed in Asia Minor, between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, perhaps as much as 2,500 years agoââ¬âreferences to the use of goat hair as a textile appear in the Hebrew Bible.à Fast Facts: Angora Goats Scientific Name: Capra hircus aegagrus (the name for all domesticated goats)Common Names: Angora goat, mohair goatBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: Height at withers: 36ââ¬â48 inchesà à Weight: 70ââ¬â225 poundsLifespan: 10 yearsDiet:à HerbivoreHabitat: Semi-arid pastures in Asia Minor, US (Texas), South AfricaPopulation: ca 350,000Conservation Status: Not Evaluatedà Description The scientific name for Angora goats is Capra hircus aegagrus, but that name is also used to refer to most other domestic goats. All belong to the order Artiodactyle, family Bovidae, subfamily Caprinae, and genus Capra.à Angora goats are small in relation to dairy goats or sheep. Adult females stand 36 inches tall and weigh between 70ââ¬â110 pounds; males stand 48 inches tall and weigh 180ââ¬â225 pounds. Their main defining characteristic is long (8ââ¬â10 inches at shearing) ringlets of hair which are fine, silky, lustrous, and dazzlingly white in color and contain little oil in the fleece.à That hair, known as mohair, is a coveted and expensive resource when converted to textiles and sold in sweaters and other clothing. Raw mohair is graded on the basis of fiber thickness, and the best prices to be obtained are hairs that are between 24 and 25 microns thick. Both males and females are horned unless the farmer removes them. Bucks have horns which can reach two or more feet long and have a pronounced spiral, while female horns are comparatively short, 9ââ¬â10 inches long and straight or slightly spiraled.à Male angora goat in profile. Dmaroscar / Getty Images Plus Habitat and Distribution Angora goats thrive in mostly semi-arid regions with dry, hot summers and cold winters. They originated in Asia Minor and were first successfully exported to other countries beginning in the mid-19th century. Populations were established in South Africa in 1838, and the US on or near the Edwards Plateau of Texas in 1849. Other substantive populations today are managed in Argentina, Lesotho, Russia, and Australia. These goats are almost all in managed (rather than wild) populations, and they are often artificially inseminated, dehorned, and otherwise controlled. Adult angoras are sheared on a biannual basis, producing weights of up to about 10 pounds per year of long, silky fibers between 8ââ¬â10 inches long. The goats are quite susceptible to cold and wet weather after they have been sheared, for periods up to 4ââ¬â6 weeks. Close up of mohair on an angora goat. CookedPhotos / Getty Images Plus Diet and Behaviorà Goats are browsers and grazers, and they prefer brush, tree leaves, and rough plants, reaching the lower parts of trees by standing on their hind legs. They are often pastured with sheep and cattle since each species prefers different plants. Angoras can improve pastures and reforestation areas by controlling leafy spurge and destroying a range of nuisance plants such as multiflora roses, sand burs, and Canadian thistle. Goats like to go under or through obstacles, so agricultural specialists suggest that five-wire electric fences, woven-wire, or small-mesh fencing is required to keep them penned in. While most goats are not aggressive towards humans, they can do serious or lethal damage to other goats with their horns, especially during the rutting season. Reproduction and Offspring Angora goats have two sexes, and the male is considerably larger than the female. Billies begin rutting in the fall, a behavior that initiates estrus in the females. Little is known about natural herds and group behaviors since studies have been primarily confined to managed populations. Breeding lasts between late September into December (in the northern hemisphere); gestation typically lasts between 148ââ¬â150 days. Kids are born between late February through April or early May.à Angoras typically have one, two, or on rare occasions three kids, once a year, depending on herd size and management strategy. Kids are extremely delicate at birth and need protection for the first few days if the weather is cold or damp. Kids feed on mothers milk until they are weaned at about 16 weeks. Kids become sexually mature at 6ââ¬â8 months, but only about half have kids of their own in the first year. Angora goats have a lifespan of about 10 years. An Angora goat (Capra hircus aegagrus) nursing a kid. Pelooyen / Getty Images Plus Conservation Statusà Angora goats have not been evaluated as to conservation status, and there are at least 350,000 in different managed populations. Few are wild; the majority live in commercial herds which are grown to produce mohair. Sources Breeds of Livestockââ¬âAngora Goats. Oklahoma State University, 1999Jensen, Harriet L., George B. Holcomb, and Howard W. Kerr, Jr. Angora Goats: A Small-Scale Agriculture Alternative. Small Farm Program, University of California Davis, 1993.Jordan, R. M. Angora Goats in the Midwest. North Central Regional Extension Publication 375, 1990.à McGregor, B. A. Investigating the Angora Goat Agro-Pastoral Production System in Southern Australia. Small Ruminant Research 163 (2018): 10ââ¬â14.à McGregor, B. A., and A. M. Howse. The Effects of Mid Pregnancy and Postnatal Nutrition, Birth Parity and Sex on Angora Goat Live Weight Gain, Skin Follicle Development, Mohair Physical Properties and Fleece Value. Small Ruminant Research 169 (2018): 8ââ¬â18.à Shelton, Maurice. Angora Goat and Mohair Production. San Angelo, TX: Anchor Publishing, 1993.à Visser, Carina, et al. Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in South African, French and Argentinian Angora Goats from Genome-Wi de Snp Data. PLOS ONE 11.5 (2016): e0154353.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Issue of Poverty in the World Essay - 1759 Words
The Irish Governments National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007 defines poverty as: People are living in poverty if their income and resources (material, cultural and social) are so inadequate as to preclude them from having a standard of living which is regarded as acceptable by society generally. As a result of inadequate income and other resources people may be excluded and marginalized from participating in activities which are considered the norm for other people in society. Based on this definition, we learn that people are living in poverty if they do not have enough money to do the things which are considered basic for humanââ¬â¢s life. Some of them could be not having enough money to buy food for family, or not being able toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Finally, those who live in a disadvantaged community or in an area with few employment opportunities also increase the risk of poverty (www.causeofpoverty.htm). Poverty has a negative effect on peoples quality of li fe. It closes the opportunities opening to people, and reduces peopleââ¬â¢s abilities to participate fully in society. For example, children who grow up in poor families are more likely to leave school early, and without qualifications, have to end up unemployed; poor people usually have low paid jobs and can not afford to make ends meet for their families. More than that, poverty leads to hunger. World hunger is a terrible symptom of world poverty. According to the United Nations, about 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes. To World Health Organization, poverty is the primary cause of malnutrition which is a major health problem in developing countries, killing thousands children all over the world everyday. The numbers of people dying for lacking food has been rapidly increasing, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa due to the droughts, wars, rapid population growth. In addition, poverty causes the infant mortality rate much higher and life expectancy rat e much lower in low-income developing countries. Debt is considered one of the most severe problems in poor nations. During the 1970s and early 1980s, developing countries accumulated a total foreign debt exceeding $1 trillion, which they found very difficult toShow MoreRelatedDeveloping World s Issue Of Poverty1509 Words à |à 7 PagesAlmost half of the world lives on less than $2.50. At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. Poverty is an ever-present issue that affects the lives of billions of people each day. There are many government subsidies that come into impoverished areas, but does money solve the issue of poverty? No, money alone cannot solve the worldââ¬â¢s issue of poverty. In this paper, I want to discuss the role of microfinance in theRead MorePoverty Is An Issues Affecting All Parts Of The World1297 Words à |à 6 PagesPoverty, indeed is an issues affecting all parts of the world. There are many people that live under very ba d conditions which can create dysfunctional families which ultimately can lead to delinquency. Studies have shown that children that come from poverty are more likely to commit in crime than those children that come from wealthier families. Studies in the Carolinas has shown that there is a reasonable link of poverty and violent crime among juveniles. From experience it is said that, ââ¬Å"everyRead MorePoverty And Health Related Issues, World Hunger, Education, And Economic Development1646 Words à |à 7 Pagesfor people to save their lives. It operates in all over the world and always takes a stand to help people. There are so many core problems addressed by this organization, but mainly they fight for womenââ¬â¢s empowerment, health related issues, world hunger, education and economic development. According to Robert Wilton (2004) in 1991, 27% of people in Canada suffered from mental illness because they were lived in a sick society (p. 26). Poverty directly affects to the p eople health because people are havingRead MoreWorld poverty is a complex global issue that varies depending on where you live. Many Americans1900 Words à |à 8 PagesWorld poverty is a complex global issue that varies depending on where you live. Many Americans take for granted shelter, food, and water. While, in third world countries these three elements are difficult to obtain for the necessities of their survival. Unless there is a cultural and behavioral change in our society regarding world poverty, poverty rates will continue to rise. Poverty is affecting thousands of people in the United States; this impact is changing the quality of life for familiesRead MorePoverty : An Effective Means Of Population Control897 Words à |à 4 Pagesless fortunate and how they get there. As we learn more about the poverty-stricken, we can understand them better to aid them and break the cycle. Overwhelming amounts of people do not realize the global pandemic that poverty is today. The st atistics are heartbreaking. Over half of the children in the world live in poverty, and there are nearly 2.2 billion children in the world. Campaigns have been established to recognize poverty globally. The effectiveness of these campaigns remains relativelyRead MoreThe Growing Epidemic of World Poverty Essay529 Words à |à 3 PagesPoverty is one of the biggest problems in the world today and it just keeps growing. Poverty is when you have either no money or you donââ¬â¢t have enough money to support yourself or your family. Poverty is one of the biggest issues in the world if not the biggest. Absolute poverty is when you donââ¬â¢t have clothes, food, shelter, health, and occupation. In everyplace in the world there is somebody in poverty. According to Anup Shah ââ¬Å"Almost half the world over 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 aRead MorePoverty Is Not A Country Exclusive Issue1164 Words à |à 5 Pages Poverty, what is it? Poverty cannot be defined by just one definition. Poverty is a serious worldwide issue that is affecting all of our lives in the world. In Fact,Did you know nearly half of the worldââ¬â¢s population, more than three billion people, live on less than two dollars and fifty cents a day. Just think, If you were given that same budget could you survive? Would you be able to live the same lifestyle that you do? The answer is most likely no and this is a mind blowing statistic. StaticsRead MoreChild Labour And Child Labor1600 Words à |à 7 PagesChild Labor Issues There are children that suffer through child labor daily. Child labor is the use of children in a business or industry, usually illegal. ââ¬Å"3 billion people around the world survive on $2.50 a day or less. And 2 billion people do not hold a bank account or have access to essential financial servicesâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Living in Povertyâ⬠1). Children that are normally in labor come from a poor family thatââ¬â¢s in need of money so badly that it comes down to selling their own children or puttingRead MoreThe Causes Of Poverty839 Words à |à 4 PagesPoverty is a growing issue that affects most people in the world. Some blame the poor for their situation and believe there is a way for them to get out of it. However, some are born into poor families or areas and cannot control or change their predicament. The main causes of poverty are a lack of education, natural disasters that impact country, and overpopulation. Many living in society struggle with the issue of poverty . According to The Journal of Psychology, the poverty rate in the UnitedRead MoreExtreme Poverty : Chronic Poverty Essay1613 Words à |à 7 PagesExtreme Poverty Nathan Larson Northcentral Technical College ââ¬Æ' Introduction ïÆ'Ë What is Extreme Poverty? What if you had a chance to save a person? Most would react quickly if given the chance to save another life especially a childââ¬â¢s life. In fact, it is estimated that 16,000 under the age of five die every day due to causes associated with extreme poverty. That is nearly 750 children an hour. The causes of the deaths include insufficient nutrition, lack of access to clean water, no health care
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Abortion And Its Impact On Society - 1715 Words
In todayââ¬â¢s times we have a lot of controversy involving many issues that affect our lives, and in some cases a personââ¬â¢s right to choose what they want, or what they think needs to be done. Many people have different opinions depending on what the issue is. Laws and bills are made to restrict certain rights of people and can change how a situation is handled. With the topic of abortion, the opinions can differ greatly, and have an impact on other peoples lives. Abortion is a topic that has become hot over the last few years. With all the differences in opinions, whether or not to let abortion is now one of the most talked about problems and very prevalent in the media as well. Abortion has been around for centuries. ââ¬Å"The earliest knowâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In 2011, the House of Representatives tried to remove federal funding of Planned Parenthood, but the Democrat controlled Senate blocked the measure ( Abortions are now a lot safer th an they had been in the past and there are different options a woman seeking an abortion could choose from. There are few side effects to the ââ¬Å"Abortion Pillâ⬠, like cramps, bleeding, clots and other ailments. The pill can also be taken up to three weeks of gestation ( ââ¬Å"In clinicâ⬠abortions include aspiration (emptying the uterus by suction) and dilation and evacuation. Aspiration can be performed up to sixteen weeks from the last period and a DE (Dilation and Evacuation) can be performed later than sixteen weeks ( All three methods are highly effective and the pill itself has a success rate of ninety-seven percent. The later the gestation period the higher the risk is for a woman to have an abortion. The cost varies based on how far along a woman is in her pregnancy and what method she chooses. Prices can range from three-hundred dollars to one thousand seven hundred dollars. The price is cheaper for an abortion wi thin the first trimester ( and increases the longer the pregnancy lasts. Depending on what state aShow MoreRelatedAbortion : Legal Or Illegal?953 Words à |à 4 PagesAbortion: Legal or Illegal? To this day, the debate on whether or not abortion should be legal continues to divide Americans. The name of this article is, ââ¬Å"Should Abortion be Legal?â⬠written by Pro-choice and pro-life are the two opposing sides. Pro-choice is the pro-abortion group, and pro-life is the anti-abortion group. The two sides disagree about whether the rights of the woman or the fetus are more important, and they also disagree about the impacts on womenââ¬â¢s health and on societyRead MoreSupreme Court and Womens Rights Essay1471 Words à |à 6 Pageswere tired of waiting for legislative change for womenââ¬â¢s rights. Even though women are being recognized more in society, they still face difficult issues. Sexism ââ¬âespecially in the workforce ââ¬âis becoming a major issue, birth control pills are still not popular, and abortions are frowned upon in society. The case Roe v. Wade is about a woman with the fake name of Jane Roe who wanted an abortion but the stat e of Texas would not let her unless her life was in danger. She sued the district attorney of DallasRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal Or Illegal?939 Words à |à 4 Pagestodayââ¬â¢s society; however, one of the more heated issues is abortion. Abortion has been around at almost every point in American history. Consequently, since the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade there have been approximately 57,762,169 abortions in America (ââ¬Å"Are Youâ⬠). This raises the question of should abortion be legal or illegal, and is this immoral or moral to do? The decision to have an abortion can be a difficult time in a womanââ¬â¢s life, but is not a moral way to end a pregnancy. Abortion inRead MoreAbortion Essay1060 Words à |à 5 PagesAbortion is one of the most controversial subjects that has been continually argued over for many years all over the world that poses the questions death or life. Abortion discusses oneââ¬â¢s interaction where ethics, emotions, medical, and l aw come into place. According to the Webster Dictionary abortion is the loss of the fetus or unborn child before it can live outside the womb. The killing a human life is a contradiction to the norms of society, from a biblical point of view, one will believe thatRead MoreGive Life A Chance For The Good Lord s Will871 Words à |à 4 Pagesbeen killed that wouldââ¬â¢ve made a dramatic impact on society? The answer is thousands. Their entire future is destroyed. Without abortion many valuable lives could be saved. Norma McCovery, also known as Jane Roe, is the woman behind the Roe vs Wade case. This act was passed in 1973, and it gives women the right to have an abortion. When Norma was 25 she wished to get an abortion, but couldnââ¬â¢t so she took it to court. Ironically Norma never got an abortion, instead she put her child up for adoptionRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1386 Words à |à 6 PagesThe struggle between knowing what is right and wrong when speaking about abortion is one that has been controversial for quite a long time. What gives someone the right to say if abortion should legal, while telling the other person there doing the wrong thing with their lives. The personal choice is being taken away from people and is largely an argument based on factors such as a personââ¬â¢s social wellbeing and religious background (BOLCE, L). Along with this ââ¬Å"Factors other than social class andRead MoreAbortion Is A Or Medical Removal Of An Embryo1659 Words à |à 7 Pagesdoes n ot begin until birth. The issue of abortion has been the subject of debate for several decades. Religions in Australia have influenced attitudes and laws with regards to this issue in the past. Are the attitudes and involvement of Australian religions in the abortion debate still relevant and do they make a difference? Abortion is a surgical or medical removal of an embryo or a fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy (Dictionary, 2016). Abortion in Australia has always been regulatedRead MoreThe Issue Of Value Of Abortion1558 Words à |à 7 Pagesvalued, and an unborn child is no different. Abortion is murder and should be put to an end now. Although one may call an unborn child useless, or out of touch with physical reality, it would be a ghastly mistake to say that an unborn childââ¬â¢s life is of no value. This is type of message that abortion is portraying in society. The word abortion means deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Additionally, the evil of abortion has a negative impact on the quality of the motherââ¬â¢s life thus, diminishingRead MoreAbortion Is An Accepted And Legal Medical Practice853 Words à |à 4 PagesThere is widespread debate in American society on whether abortion should be an accepted and legal medical practice. Those who oppose abortion claim that fetuses are human persons with a right to life which must be protected by law, even at the earliest stages after conception. Those who support a womanââ¬â¢s right to choose whether she will carry an infant to term argue that the motherââ¬â¢s rights to bodily autonomy and to decide whether or not to have a child outweigh any rights a fetus might have.Read MoreAbortion: Pro-Choice is the Logical Argument Essay845 Words à |à 4 Pagesethicality of abortions has been a hotly debated topic during the past several decades. In the Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, the Court ruled that women had the constitutional right to seek abortions; however, in 1989, the Court later decided that each state had the right to set its own abortion policy. Heated disagreements and different perspectives have led to the creation of two different movements: the prochoice movement and the prolife movement. The former supports abortion, the intentional
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Accounting and Finance Chilean Wine Industry
Question: Describe about the Accounting and Finance for Chilean Wine Industry. Answer: 1. Analyze and evaluate the options to pay staff Merit based pay rise-The merit based pay rise are the rise that is provided to the employees of the company in accordance to the contribution the staff is making in the business. If the employee is getting the raise that is worth $ 200 a year, then the value raised for the next 5 years is $ 10,000 (Spawton 2013). The merit based pay rise can be in the form of bonuses and in the form of the incentives. That is the pay for the performance (Edwards et al. 2013). Pay rise: The pay rise is the rise in the salary that is provided to the staffs and the employees of the company in order to meet their daily needs and adjust their salary with respect to the inflation rate. The company may say that all the employees of the staffs are entitled to the pay rise after providing the service to the company for one year (Bianchi 2015).The pay rise may differ according to the work of the staff. The pay rise of the manager is more than the sales officer. Stake in the equity: The owners of the company may also take the decision of providing the employees the share in the equity of the company (Pezzillo 2016). Therefore, the company is making the employee an owner of the company by providing him/her with a part of the companys share. Share in the profit of the business: The employees can also be provided with a share in the profit of the business. For example, the management may take the decision that if the employee contribution helps the company achieves its target for the year the company will provide 5% of the profit to the employee (Bruwer 2012). 2. Analysis and evaluation of Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 2015: As per the given cash flow statement, it can be seen that, total part of their receipt from customers are spend to pay off the employees and suppliers. Moreover, the receipt from customers was not sufficient to pay off the employees and suppliers, which resulted into negative cash from operations. Amount received from disposal of PPE is only $50000 in 2014, whereas, the purchase of PPE amounted to $500,000 both in the year 2013 and 2014. It further resulted negative cash from investing activities. Only the cash from financing activities are showing some positive cash flow, as $100000 received from the owners and there were no payment for financing activities. Insufficient receipt and various payments obligation resulted into cash deficit for the year and the same result is continuing over the years 2013, 2014 and 2015. The opening balance of cash also could not manage to turn the negative cash balance to positive, as except for 2013, their closing cash balance was also negative. For all the three years, that is, 2013, 2014 and 2015, not a single amount is paid towards debt payment. Moreover, $500,000 additional debt has been acquired in the year 2013. Therefore, there is high chance that this issue may relate to breach the bank covenant. 3. Potential material deviation problems and overcome The important material deviation that is been highlighted is in the cash flow the debt that is taken by the company of $ 50,000, the net profit of the company is falling for the year 2014 and 2015. The problems can be overcome by repaying its liabilities in a short span and by increasing their profitability. While evaluating the cash flow, the material potential issue is that the company has taken an additional debt of in the year 2013 of $ 50,000. The cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow in the year 2013 are positive whereas, in the year 2014 and 2015 are negative that shows that the companys position is not that good. The sales revenue in the year 2014 is rising by approx. 10 percent whereas; in the year 2015 it decreased by approx. 5 percent. Therefore, as compared to the sales revenue the cost of goods sold is increasing in each year. The gross profit for the year 2014 has been increase by 10 percent and in the year 2015 has decreased by 35%. The sales and marketing expenses are increasing continuously for the three years (Hammervoll 2014). The sale channel that should be exited is the local retailers. The retailer shop is 80 kms away from the main city whereas; the sales are less than the expenses the shop has to bear. The staffs that have employed are for the part time purpose (Galati 2016). No full time staffs are been employed in the shop. 4. Evaluation of sale channel: Sales Channel Obstacles Solutions Cellar Door As in winter the sale quantity is very small and that too from few loyal customers, it increases the cost of running the shop and paying the part time staff. The customer can be convinced to purchase on-line during the wintertimeand Heretaunga should assure the customers that they would receive their order on time. To make smooth delivery of on line order, they can engage more supply staff. Local retailers (Including bars and restaurants) To make their wines available locally, they offer extended credit terms and the customers are very slow to make the payment The credit term should be fixed like three months or six months. They may offer discount to the customers who pay before time and there should be penalty fir late payment Pemberley Grocers (a)lower prices are demanded from suppliers with delayed payment terms (b)suppliers are required to bear the expenses related to marketing and advertising (a)As displaying their products in Pemberley Grocer has been useful gain for Heretaunga, they have little scope to negotiate on price issue but they can definitely have the option to discuss the issue related to delayed payment. With discussions to Pemberley, Heretaunga can ask for a fixed payment period (b)If the advertising and marketing related expenses are bear by Pemberley, Heretaunga can save a significant amount. They may offer an initial discount in price for this negotiation. Fitz Wine On Line Low margin of gross profit If Heretaunga increase their ability to sell their wine on time through increasing marketing and advertising of their product, they will need to sell less number of product through on line 5. Analyzed evaluation to pay Agneza Merit based pay rise: Agneza is a wine maker and her wines are getting good reviews from the customers. However, the company is suffering from huge losses. Though in order to provide the merit based pay rise company must have sufficient funds to allocate it amongst the employees. Pay rise: The pay rise is also not possible in this case as the pay rise is adjustable to the inflation rate and provided to the employees. The company is not making sufficient profits that can be analyzed with the help of the financial statements it can be stated that the employers are paid more than what the company is receiving from the customers (Chong 2014). The pay rise is the bad option for the company. Stake in the equity: The owners may provide Agneza with the stake in the company by providing the shares of the company. This would give her the motivation to work for the company as she is been provided with the ownership and the voting rights of the company and in the future the company may do well and provide the shareholders with the good returns. Share in the profit: The Company at present is not making profits so providing this option to Agneza is not fruitful for the company. Therefore, a share in the profits is a bad option. 6. Analysis and evaluation of financial performance: Total equity of Heretaunga has increased from $56,64,104 to $63,60,926 over the year 2013 to 2014. However, the total equity has decreased from $63,60,926 to $63,41,249. The reason behind this was the fall in retained earnings from $35,60,926 to $35,41,249 over the year 2014 to 2015. Trade receivables and inventories of the company is in increasing trend, which is a positive sign and the company is in better position to pay off their debt using their current assets. Bank overdraft of the company is in increasing trend, which states that company is experiencing shortage of cash. Trade payables of the company have increased from $182,572 to $272,712 over the year 2013 to 2014. However, it decreased to $253,479 in the year 2015. it is showing that company is improving its payable position. Non-current borrowing balance is same over the year from 2013 to 2015, which means that though the company has not availed any new borrowing, but at the same time did not made any payments towards non -current borrowing . However, the position of the company stated is as per the financial statement of 2013 to 2015. As the financial statement for the year 2016 is not yet available, current position of the company could not be stated. 7. Issues in the sales channel The four issues in the sales channels are as follows: The revenue earned from the cellar door and the retail sales are low. The revenues from this channel are low and the expenses are high. Therefore, the customers can be provided with the products online because the cost of running the cost of the store is more than that of the revenue. The local retailers provides the long term for the credit period. The solution must be that the credit period must be fixed for example for the fixed period of time say 3 months, 4 months. The pemberley grocers sells premium wine and the marketing expenses are very high. To overcome the problem the company has to reduce its marketing expense. Fitz-wine-on-line: The margin for the gross profit is very low. In case, the company uses efficient marketing and advertising strategies to sell its product and penetrate into the market. Cellar door and local sales: Cellar door is the sale channel that is used by the company where the wine is sold to the local and overseas visitors. The nearest metropolitan centre is 80 km away. The area is the tourist area though it has been seen that the tourist visitors in this area has been decreased and the demand for the wines have been decreased there are very small number of customers that buy the wines from the shop. Pemberley grocers: The Pemberley grocers sell premium food and wine to the retail customers. The suppliers of Pemberley are required to undertake advertising and marketing activities. Pemberley is able to demand lower purchase price from the suppliers and delayed payment terms (Leenders 2013). Fitz-wine-online Fitz- wine-online is an online wine trader with an emphasis on the Australian wine. As a large, independent, online trader, this company has a focus to provide high quality wine at the discounted prices. The advertising cost is not associated with this sales channel and the brand values remains unaffected. This sales channel is used in selling of bulk quantities and with the minimal profits. The strategic and the operations issue that the company faces is the advertising expenses are high. The Gross profit margin of the company is very low and is almost in negative as the sales that the company is generating are less than the expenses that the company is bearing (Garcia 2012). The debt of the company is increasing it means that the company has the liabilities. The sale channel that should be exited is the local retailers. The retailer shop is 80 kms away from the main city whereas; the sales are less than the expenses the shop has to bear. The staffs that have employed are for the part time purpose. No full time staffs are been employed in the shop. 8. Analysis and evaluation of excess demand from Merlot: As the Merlot wine takes three years time from harvesting of grapes to come in the market and its quality is highly dependent on the quality of grapes, Heretaunga is not able to produce Merlot wine in a large quantity and as their demand is also high, they are running out of stock for Merlot wine. The qualities of wine are also dependent on the skill of labors who make the wine. Natural disasters like hailstorm and draughts can also affect the quantity of grapes. Due to all these issues, company could not match the Merlot wines supply with its demand. However, not all the issues could be solved as Heretaunga does not have control over all the issues but there is definitely some scopes to work on some issues and improve them. They can contact with more grapes supplier who have good record of supplying good quality grapes, so that, with more grapes, they can produce more bottles of Merlot wine. Another area where they can improve is to hire more skilled winemakers, so that, wastage wil l be minimized and more bottles can be produced. However, the excess demand of Merlot wine cannot be fulfilled in full but shortage can be minimized to some extent by increasing the production. The production can be increased only when Heretaunga will have sufficient supply of good quality grapes and sufficient number of skilled wine maker available with them. Reference: Bianchi, Constanza. "Consumer brand loyalty in the Chilean wine industry."Journal of Food Products Marketing21, no. 4 (2015): 442-460. Bruwer, Johan, Isabelle Lesschaeve, and Benjamin L. Campbell. "Consumption dynamics and demographics of Canadian wine consumers: Retailing insights from the tasting room channel."Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services19, no. 1 (2012): 45-58. Chong, Sandy. "Business process management for SMEs: an exploratory study of implementation factors for the Australian wine industry."Journal of Information Systems and Small Business1, no. 1-2 (2014): 41-58. Edwards, Frances, and Tony Spawton. "Pricing in the Australian wine industry."International Journal of Wine Marketing(2013). Galati, Antonino, Maria Crescimanno, Salvatore Tinervia, and Dario Siggia. "Website quality and internal business factors: an empirical investigation in the Italian wine industry."International Journal of Wine Business Research28, no. 4 (2016). Garcia, Fernanda A., Martin G. Marchetta, Mauricio Camargo, Laure Morel, and Raymundo Q. Forradellas. "A framework for measuring logistics performance in the wine industry."International Journal of Production Economics135, no. 1 (2012): 284-298. Hammervoll, Trond, Pierre Mora, and Kjell Toften. "The financial crisis and the wine industry: The performance of niche firms versus mass-market firms."Wine Economics and Policy3, no. 2 (2014): 108-114. Leenders, Mark AAM, and Yanto Chandra. "Antecedents and consequences of green innovation in the wine industry: the role of channel structure."Technology Analysis Strategic Management25, no. 2 (2013): 203-218. pezzillo iacono, mario, Vincenza Esposito, Lorenzo Mercurio, and Marcello Martinez. "Bridging business model and inter-organizational coordination mechanisms in the Italian wine industry."Measuring Business Excellence20, no. 4 (2016). Spawton, Tony. "Development in the global alcoholic drinks industry and its implications for the future marketing of wine."International Journal of Wine Marketing(2013).
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Persuasive Tap Water free essay sample
IV. I will be explaining first the problems of bottled water, next the possible solutions to drinking water, and finish with what you can do to drink the cleanest and most healthy water. Transition to point #1: First I will be speaking about the problems of bottled water. Body I. Luckily drinking water in our country is very clean, but there are still plenty of sources where it can become contaminated. A. Tap water is regulated by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) while bottled water is regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)ââ¬â 1. This causes a huge issue because the same water we use for drinking has different regulations. 2. Unlike tap water regulations, bottled water companies are not required by the FDA to have certified lab tests on the water. Acording to EWG. com article Water by sara Sciammaco, retrieved may 2013 ââ¬Å"The Environmental Working Group took a survey of 188 brands of bottled water . We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Tap Water or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . . they found only two provided information about its product to consumersâ⬠a. So just because you see a water bottle with the name Dasani or Arrowhead on it you trust it? b. Thereââ¬â¢s plenty of facts out there stating that water in water bottles are barely regulated making it basically equivalent to tap water for a much larger price. B. Not only can some water bottles be unsanitary but also it negatively affects our environment. 1. According to Kimberly Amaral, a Marine Biologist, in an article called Plastics in our ocean, retrieved May 2013 ââ¬Å"Plastic bottles produce up to 1. 5 million tons of plastic waste per year. Now someone could easily say we recycle all those water bottles. Well the EPA says over 80 percent of plastic bottles are simply thrown away. 2. But what is not known is how it can affect our health. Water bottles can liter our oceans and lakes, which affect animals within such as fish. a. Humans eat fish and might ingest a contaminated one that was affected by a water bottle. (Transition) There are plenty of problems with water bottles that directly effect our lives but we can take matters into our own hands which is what Iââ¬â ¢m going to talk about next II. As consumers of water we have a say in what we drink, so why not take action? A. Filtered Water 1. To avoid drinking bottled water its simple drink tap water! 2. If you think itââ¬â¢s unsanitary than invest in a water filter, which conveniently fit in your fridge. a. Not only do you save money but you also are drinking clean water. B. Personal Action 1. If you are really passionate about this subject then you can petition to make changes in your community. 2. FDA does not regulate water bottles too well so bring it up at a town hall meeting and try to raise awareness on how we can get more regulations on water bottles. 3. There is a simple alternative to bottled water: buy a stainless steel thermos. a. Thermos are kind of like coffee mugs but they can keep your water cold for a long period of time. . According to Crains Detroit business, in article titled about thermosphere, ââ¬Å"thermo state plastic bottles will typically use 30% less material then regular packaging, reducing material cost and shipping weight. â⬠c. Utilizing a thermo mug can eliminate the countless dollars you spend on water bottles, and greatly decreases the nega tive affect on our environment. (Transition) Finally with these possible solutions to this problem I am going to tell you exactly what you can do. III. The truth is tap water isnââ¬â¢t unsanitary at all. A. Water bottle industries try scaring us into believing that tap water is unsanitary. 1. Many people think there are harmful chemicals in tap water. 2. Some industries even use tap water in their bottled water. a. Do you really think public water fountains at parks use unsanitary water to quench our kids? B. By drinking tap water we can save so much money. What we do not realize is how staggering the amount of money really is that we spend 1. We spend two thousand times more for bottled water than tap 2. Fifty to one hundred billion dollars every year (Transition) With plenty of signs revealing that tap water is safer and more economically efficient it should be an easy choice to make a change. Conclusion To conclude my speech I would like to review my points one last time. I. First the problem of drinking water bottles can directly effect your health, second there are several solutions that can cure this problem, and finally I explained what exactly you have to do to avoid this problem. II. As a final note I would like to say that is very hard not to crack open a nice cold and refreshing water bottle of on a hot day. But I hope my information that I shared with you today allows you to give one more extra thought on what exactly is in that water bottle even though it has a trusted name brand.. Thank you. Works Cited 5 Reasons Not to Drink Bottled Water. MNN Mother Nature Network. N. p. , n. d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. Audience Analysis, April 8, 2013, LAMC, Speech 101, Speech 0468. Marshlian, Tammy. La Mesa Reports Tainted Bottled Water on Campus. SCV Signal. N. p. , n. d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. Amaral, Kimberly. Plastics in Our Oceans. Plastics in Our Oceans. N. p. , n. d. Web. 19 May 2013. Sciammaco, Sara. Water. Environmental Working Group. N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 May 2013. ABOUT THERMOSHAPE. Crains Detroit Business [serial online]. May 16, 2011;27(20):0017. Available from: MasterFILE Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed May 22, 2013.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Asian Americans Hispanics
Asian Americans Hispanics Although most Asian Americans are culturally assimilated (Americanized), they often encounter racism as people of foreign-origin, because of their distinctive Asian racial appearance. The Asian Americans have to face racism because they are assumed to have close ties with their Asian ethnic culture. The Americans always feel that Asian Americans do not belong to their country; so they wish to know the foreign ethnic origins of Asian Americans.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Asian Americans Hispanics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ethnic identity of Asian Americans has been a considerable challenge for them over the years. Many Asian Americans are identified more as Americans in comparison with their Asian cultural heritage even if they continue to acknowledge its impact. The reason for this consists in the fact that they have become assimilated with the American culture and are part of the culture, hence, they are not discriminated against a lot. Since they have been accepted in some way by the society the live in, the Asian Americans do not actively assert their ethnic identity. The issue of ethnic identity comes to surface in the context of viewing the Asian Americans as foreign ethnic minority in America due to their race and place of birth, being the factors, which cannot be evaded. Many Asian Americans are proud to be of Asian descent since they accept and enjoy Asian ethnic heritage, which is encouraged by the fact that America has a multi-ethnic ideology and interest in cultural diversity. In the context of ethnic identity, there has been the emergence of Asian Americans as the ethnic identity that includes all ethnic minorities of Asian origin in the United States due to the fact that various groups of Asian American descent have been counted as a nation. In the political scene, the mobilization of people with Asian American descent as a nation has also contributed to this aspect. Al so in the sphere of education, the term Asian American is popular among youth since they feel they cannot identify their exact ethnic race, hence, they refer themselves to one group due to their origin. However, older people of Japanese American descent do not identify themselves as Asian Americans since they feel they are different from other Asian Americans, as such, the term can be considered broad. In the history of ethnicity, ethnic revival has been evident among the latest generations of Asian Americans. Some of the youth of Japanese American descent have claimed that they regret that they have become assimilated to such an extent due to the lost of the Japanese ethnic heritage. It has created the awareness connected with the ethnic revival, making the Asian Americans feel that maintaining and sustaining their ethnic heritage is essential, hence, they should avoid becoming Americanized.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your fir st paper with 15% OFF Learn More The future of Asian Americans in American society is still debatable considering the fact whether they can be fully considered as whites. The Asian Americans have become part of the society, but they have not been considered as whites. Even if they become more assimilated in terms of culture, the Asian Americans will hardly be considered as white. The reason for such consideration is that there is a difference between the physical appearance of various races. The determinant factor to how one is viewed and identified within their ethnic race is mainly their physical appearance. An individual is mainly identified by his/her race due to their nature and origin. However, this can eventually change with the consideration of high intermarriage rates between Asian Americans and whites. Many people born in intermarriages, consider and identify themselves as whites since their physical appearance resembles whites.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Are alternative energy sources the answer to ending human dependence Research Paper
Are alternative energy sources the answer to ending human dependence on oil - Research Paper Example People who argue that alternative sources cannot end human dependence on oil show skepticism towards alternative energy sources. They argue that no significant breakthrough is yet to come, and therefore it might not be possible for the world to end its dependence on oil. Both schools of thoughts have different arguments for their point of view. In this paper we will explore arguments given by both the sides in great detail, and will try to conclude whether alternative sources of energy can, in fact, end human dependence on oil or not. Alternative Energy Sources Can end Human Dependence on Oil In this section we will present arguments given in favor of the alternative sources of energy. Firstly, this school of thought highlights the dangers of pollution, which is a consequence of our dependence on oil. Alternative sources of energy should be appreciated because they can significantly reduce pollution that is a direct consequence of oil. Using oil as a source of energy is extremely har mful for the society and therefore alternative sources of energy should be explored. Natural oil also creates problems for the environment and makes life difficult for the people in general. Many skin and lung diseases are common in people who live in highly polluted regions. This is all because of human dependence on oil. The impact of dependence on oil is extremely harmful for the sustainable world. Many oil companies are busy extracting oil reserves that are beneath the seas and oceans. This causes problems for the sea life and is detrimental for underwater animals. Sea pollution also affects human economy as fishing is a source of income for a large number of people all over the world. This is another dangerous consequence of increasing dependence on oil. All these points are made by people who support alternative sources of energy in order to make the world realize about the dangers of use of oil. They believe that people in general have long been fixated with the idea of using oil as energy without realizing its dangers. It is therefore vital, according to this school of thought, to make people understand dangers of oil use. There is a lacking of belief that alternative sources of energy can replace oil, and this is why alternative sources of energy are not popular today. Dangers of oil are presented as argument in favor of alternative sources of energy. Another argument made by supporters of alternative sources of energy is that there is already technology available that can reduce human dependence on oil. They argue that in fact today we can use alternative sources of energy to reduce human dependence on oil because the technology is already available. For example solar energy, electrical energy, wind energy, and bio fuels are good alternative of oil , and all of them can play a role in decreasing pollution, associated with use of oil, significantly. All the above mentioned sources of energy are renewable sources and technological advancement is consta ntly lowering the cost these sources making it feasible (Turk & Bensel, 2011). This is quite an argument given by people who favor the use of alternative sources of energy. They argue that technology is already available and its feasibility is also improving every day, and this is why alternative sources of energy can play a significant role in reducing human dependence
Thursday, February 6, 2020
The background to mobile payment technology and its implementation in Essay
The background to mobile payment technology and its implementation in HMV - Essay Example This gave the company a competitive edge for better customer satisfaction and attraction. HMV has also aimed to transform there way of payment and decided to provide there customer a better and more easy way for the online payment. This also adds to companies list of payments options. Shuffling through your pockets at the shop depart, you understand youââ¬â¢ve missing your wallet at house and all you have by method of payment are a small number of coppers and an previous bus ticket. Youââ¬â¢re concerning to create your red-faced justification when you consider you as well have your mobile cell phone. All you require do is swipe it crossways a reader by the yet and right away your obtained will be accused to your credit card. Not pleased with restoring our MP3 player, landline, alarm clock, camera and mobile phone producers have at the present place their sights on replacing our wallet. Their latest creation of cell phones will connect to us to credit or debit bank account as fraction of a combined plan with mobile phone operators, credit card companies and banks. They forecasted this one-swipe disbursement technology will possibly put back cards and cash and formulate it probable to go shopping armed simply by a mobile phone. This way of paying is called the ââ¬Å"pay-by-mobileâ⬠system previously functioning in Japan, where it is named as ââ¬Å"o-saifu keitaiâ⬠or can say the mobile wallet, and tests are underneath way in the US, Sweden and France. Business insiders forecast the latest technology could reach in the United Kingdome after one year. Pay-by-mobile established a boost up last few months, when the Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA), on behalf of mobile phone handlers, declared a structure for a worldwide standard for mobile cell phone purchase payments. This would permit users of networks like that the Orange to utilize their phones to build buys in the sameO2, Vodafone, in a method in the region of the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Ethics in Grant Essay Example for Free
Ethics in Grant Essay Ethics is described as moral principles and obligations that determine the wrongness and correctness of actions. It is associated with values and righteousness of every individual conduct. As a human being we are responsible for our actions and we have moral obligations for the welfare of others. Ethics cover our everyday life from what we think, decisions we make our philosophy and behavior to our everyday actions. In different professional field, standard and code of ethics are practiced to ensure proper conduct and behavior of those involved in the field. Ethics in grant has always been controversial. Issues associated with ethical behavior often arise from grant projects. The involvement of large amount of money causes the issues and suspicion to rise. An example of an issue that may arise from a grant project is commissioning. Commission refers to the fee paid to an employee after venturing to a successful business or closing a deal. However, professional organizations and funders consider commissioning unethical in nature. This is because compensation with regards to commissioning based on charitable contributions and donations are ugly site to see. Unlike salesmen, who get a cut from the proceeds they made, professionals who are involved in grant projects are considered skilled and talented people who lend and utilized their expertise in order to obtain huge support and following for the work and project that an organization is aiming to achieve. These are usually projects that requires huge amount of funding. If commissions are paid in favor of the grant workers in order to generate money, it would seems people are working because of the money involved and not because of the dedication one has to obtain support for the completion of the project In fact, the Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practices of the Association of Fundraising Professional, clearly outlines that compensation based on a percentage of fundraising should not be accepted. Sincerity and honesty is another issue that that is usually associated with Grant projects. Honesty comes into play when errors are committed while the project is being done. This happens when proposals made is not enough for the project to be successful and major changes are needed. Employees often resort to covering things up in an effort to conceal the miscalculations and mistakes done during proposal. Cover up is done because the fear of losing the funder since the original plans agreed upon fail to materialize. Employees then tend to lie and pretend everything runs smoothly. To prevent ethical issues rising from Grant Projects, it is important to be honest and to tell everything that that is going on to the funder. By being honest, one can earn the funderââ¬â¢s trust and trust is important in every project to be successful. Furthermore, Grant makers and funders appreciate sincerity and honesty and they are open to changes from original plans that have been set, since changes that are made will yield promising results for the project. If an error with the project has been discovered, it is necessary to report at once. Also, it would be ethical to issue an apology if things are not carried out properly as promised. With the huge sum of money involved in Grant Projects, it will be helpful for anyone to be honest in every little way to prevent ethical issues from occurring. Sincerity for the projectââ¬â¢s completion and the responsibility one owes from the funder and from those who support the organization in building the project should make one realize the misconduct of falling into the temptation the large sum of money brings. One should understand that an arrangement in which one obtain a kickback is unethical. To preserve oneââ¬â¢s name and his reputation as a person and professional one must keep away from doing them.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Grandmothers jewelry box :: essays research papers
My Grandmothers Jewelry Box An object I found to be most significant and interesting is my grandmotherââ¬â¢s jewelry box. This jewelry box has been an important object in my life since I was a little girl. Whenever I glance over, incredible memories dance in my head of my grandmother and me. I chose to write about this jewelry box because itââ¬â¢s so important to me. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted nothing more than to be like my grandmother. My grandmotherââ¬â¢s jewelry box rests on my nightstand in my bedroom. Itââ¬â¢s a polished dark wooden box which contains three different compartments. One is for necklaces and bracelets, the second earrings, and the third rings. When you open the top thereââ¬â¢s a little girl dancing in circles while lovely music would play. This jewelry box was bought in the 1930ââ¬â¢s when my grandmother was only ten. Even now in the present the jewelry box looks like new and still so beautiful. My grandmother started this collection with all her motherââ¬â¢s jewelry from when she was a little girl. Year by year the jewelry box would fill up with such stunning things, and I would only wish they could be mine. My grandmother always dressed so beautifully and what made her stand out most was the jewelry she complimented her outfit with. When I stayed at my grandmotherââ¬â¢s house, dress up was something I loved to do, and I did it almost every day. I would try on almost all of her jewelry she owned and dance around the house. As I grew up and my grandmother started getting older, that jewelry box meant more to me then just playing dress up. I knew how much the jewelry box meant to my grandmother and every time I glanced at it, it reminds me of how beautiful my grandmother was. At age 80, my grandmother passed away, leaving me the jewelry box. This meant more to me then anything. She knew how much I loved her jewelry and Iââ¬â¢m thrilled to know when I get older Iââ¬â¢ll be able to show them off, in memory of her. Every time I look at the jewelry box it brings back fond memories of my grandmother and the precious times we had together.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Inspiration isn't always a matter of ghosts moving magnets around on refrigerator doors, and on Tuesday morning I had a flash that was a beaut. It came while I was shaving and thinking about nothing more than remembering the beer for the party. And like the best inspirations, it came out of nowhere at all. I hurried into the living room, not quite running, wiping the shaving cream off my face with a towel as I went. I glanced briefly at the Tough Stuff crossword collection lying on top of my manuscript. That had been where I'd gone first in an effort to decipher ââ¬Ëgo down nineteen' and ââ¬Ëgo down ninety-two.' Not an unreasonable starting-point, but what did Tough Stuff have to do with TR-90? I had purchased the book at Mr. Paperback in Derry, and of the thirty or so puzzles I'd completed, I'd done all but half a dozen in Derry. TR ghosts could hardly be expected to show an interest in my Derry crossword collection. The telephone book, on the other hand I snatched it off the dining-room table. Although it covered the whole southern part of Castle County Motton, Harlow, and Kashwakamak as well as the TR it was pretty thin. The first thing I did was check the white pages to see if there were at least ninety-two. There were. The Y's and Z's finished up on page ninety-seven. This was the answer. Had to be. ââ¬ËI got it, didn't I?' I asked Bunter. ââ¬ËThis is it.' Nothing. Not even a tinkle from the bell. ââ¬ËFuck you what does a stuffed moosehead know about a telephone book?' Go down nineteen. I turned to page nineteen of the telephone book, where the letter F was prominently showcased. I began to slip my finger down the first column and as it went, my excitement faded. The nineteenth name on page nineteen was Harold Failles. It meant nothing to me. There were also Feltons and Fenners, a Filkersham and several Finneys, half a dozen Flahertys and more Fosses than you could shake a stick at. The last name on page nineteen was Framingham. It also meant nothing to me, but Framingham, Kenneth P. I stared at that for a moment. A realization began to dawn. It had nothing to do with the refrigerator messages. You're not seeing what you think you're seeing, I thought. This is like when you buy a blue Buick ââ¬ËYou see blue Buicks everywhere,' I said. ââ¬ËPractically got to kick em out of your way. Yeah, that's it.' But my hands were shaking as I turned to page ninety-two. Here were the T's of southern Castle County, along with a few U's like Alton Ubeck and Catherine Udell just to round things out. I didn't bother checking the ninety-second entry on the page; the phone book wasn't the key to the magnetic crosspatches after all. It did, however, suggest something enormous. I closed the book, just held it in my hands for a moment (happy folks with blueberry rakes on the front cover), then opened it at random, this time to the M's. And once you knew what you were looking for, it jumped right out at you. All those K's. Oh, there were Stevens and Johns and Marthas; there was Meserve, G., and Messier, V., and Jayhouse, T. And yet, again and again, I saw the initial K where people had exercised their right not to list their first name in the book. There were at least twenty K-initials on page fifty alone, and another dozen C-initials. As for the actual names themselves . . . There were twelve Kenneths on this random page in the M-section, including three Kenneth Moores and two Kenneth Munters. There were four Catherines and two Katherines. There were a Casey, a Kiana, and a Kiefer. ââ¬ËHoly Christ, it's like fallout,' I whispered. I thumbed through the book, not able to believe what I was seeing and seeing it anyway. Kenneths, Katherines, and Keiths were everywhere. I also saw Kimberly, Kim, and Kym. There were Cammie, Kia (yes, and we had thought ourselves so original), Kiah, Kendra, Kaela, Keil, and Kyle. Kirby and Kirk. There was a woman named Kissy Bowden, and a man named Kito Rennie Kito, the same name as one of Kyra's fridgeafator people. And everywhere, outnumbering such usually common initials as S and T and E, were those K's. My eyes danced with them. I turned to look at the clock didn't want to stand John Storrow up at the airport, Christ no and there was no clock there. Of course not. Old Krazy Kat had popped his peepers during a psychic event. I gave a loud, braying laugh that scared me a little it wasn't particularly sane. ââ¬ËGet hold of yourself, Mike,' I said. ââ¬ËTake a deep breath, son.' I took the breath. Held it. Let it out. Checked the digital readout on the microwave. Quarter past eight. Plenty of time for John. I turned back to the telephone book and began to riffle rapidly through it. I'd had a second inspiration not a megawatt blast like the first one, but a lot more accurate, it turned out. Western Maine is a relatively isolated area it's a little like the hill country of the border South but there has always been at least some inflow of folks from away (ââ¬Ëflatlanders' is the term the locals use when they are feeling contemptuous), and in the last quarter of the century it has become a popular area for active seniors who want to fish and ski their way through retirement. The phone book goes a long way toward separating the newbies from the long-time residents. Babickis, Parettis, O'Quindlans, Donahues, Smolnacks, Dvoraks, Blindermeyers all from away. All flatlanders. Jalberts, Meserves, Pillsburys, Spruces, Therriaults, Perraults, Stanchfields, Starbirds, Dubays all from Castle County. You see what I'm saying, don't you? When you see a whole column of Bowies on page twelve, you know that those folks have been around long enough to relax and really spread those Bowie genes. There were a few K-initials and K-names among the Parettis and the Smolnacks, but only a few. The heavy concentrations were all attached to families that had been here long enough to absorb the atmosphere. To breathe the fallout. Except it wasn't radiation, exactly, it I suddenly imagined a black headstone taller than the tallest tree on the lake, a monolith which cast its shadow over half of Castle County. This picture was so clear and so terrible that I covered my eyes, dropping the phone book on the table. I backed away from it, shuddering. Hiding my eyes actually seemed to enhance the image further: a grave-marker so enormous it blotted out the sun; TR-90 lay at its foot like a funeral bouquet. Sara Tidwell's son had drowned in Dark Score Lake . . . or been drowned in it. But she had marked his passing. Memorialized it. I wondered if anyone else in town had ever noticed what I just had. I didn't suppose it was all that likely; when you open a telephone book you're looking for a specific name in most cases, not reading whole pages line by line. I wondered if Jo had noticed if she'd known that almost every longtime family in this part of the world had, in one way or another, named at least one child after Sara Tidwell's dead son. Jo wasn't stupid. I thought she probably had. I returned to the bathroom, relathered, started again from scratch. When I finished, I went back to the phone and picked it up. I poked in three numbers, then stopped, looking out at the lake. Mattie and Ki were up and in the kitchen, both of them wearing aprons, both of them in a fine froth of excitement. There was going to be a party! They would wear pretty new summer clothes, and there would be music from Mattie's boombox CD player! Ki was helping Mattie make biscuits for strewberry snortcake, and while the biscuits were baking they would make salads. If I called Mattie up and said Pack a couple of bags, you and Ki are going to spend a week at Disney World, Mattie would assume I was joking, then tell me to hurry up and finish getting dressed so I'd be at the airport when John's plane landed. If I pressed, she'd remind me that Lindy had offered her her old job back, but the offer would close in a hurry if Mattie didn't show up promptly at two P.M. on Friday. If I continued to press , she would just say no. Because I wasn't the only one in the zone, was I? I wasn't the only one who was really feeling it. I returned the phone to its recharging cradle, then went back into the north bedroom. By the time I'd finished dressing, my fresh shirt was already feeling wilted under the arms; it was as hot that morning as it had been for the last week, maybe even hotter. But I'd be in plenty of time to meet the plane. I had never felt less like partying, but I'd be there. Mikey on the spot, that was me. Mikey on the goddam spot. John hadn't given me his flight number, but at Castle County Airport, such niceties are hardly necessary. This bustling hub of transport consists of three hangars and a terminal which used to be a Flying A gas station when the light's strong on the little building's rusty north side, you can still see the shape of that winged A. There's one runway. Security is provided by Lassie, Breck Pellerin's ancient collie, who spends her days crashed out on the linoleum floor, cocking an ear at the ceiling whenever a plane lands or takes off. I popped my head into Pellerin's office and asked him if the ten from Boston was on time. He said it 'twas, although he hoped the paa'ty I was meetin planned to either fly back out before mid-afternoon or stay the night. Bad weather was comin in, good gorry, yes. What Breck Pellerin referred to as ââ¬Ëlectrical weather. I knew exactly what he meant, because in my nervous system that electricity already seemed to have arrived. I went out to the runway side of the terminal and sat on a bench advertising Cormier's Market (FLY INTO OUR DELI FOR THE BEST MEATS IN MAINE). The sun was a silver button stuck on the eastern slope of a hot white sky. Headache weather, my mother would have called it, but the weather was due to change. I would hold onto the hope of that change as best I could. At ten past ten I heard a wasp-whine from the south. At quarter past, some sort of twin-engine plane dropped out of the murk, flopped onto the runway, and taxied toward the terminal. There were only four passengers, and John Storrow was the first one off. I grinned when I saw him. I had to grin. He was wearing a black tee-shirt with WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS printed across the front and a pair of khaki shorts which displayed a perfect set of city shins: white and bony. He was trying to manage both a Styrofoam cooler and a briefcase. I grabbed the cooler maybe four seconds before he dropped it, and tucked it under my arm. ââ¬ËMike!' he cried, lifting one hand palm out. ââ¬ËJohn!' I returned in much the same spirit (evoe is the word that comes immediately to the crossword aficionado's mind), and slapped him five. His homely-handsome face split in a grin, and I felt a little stab of guilt. Mattie had expressed no preference for John quite the opposite, in fact and he really hadn't solved any of her problems; Devore had done that by topping himself before John had so much as a chance to get started on her behalf. Yet still I felt that nasty little poke. ââ¬ËCome on,' he said. ââ¬ËLet's get out of this heat. You have air conditioning in your car, I presume?' ââ¬ËAbsolutely.' ââ¬ËWhat about a cassette player? You got one of those? If you do, I'll play you something that'll make you chortle.' ââ¬ËI don't think I've ever heard that word actually used in conversation, John.' The grin shone out again, and I noticed what a lot of freckles he had. Sheriff Andy's boy Opie grows up to serve at the bar. ââ¬ËI'm a lawyer. I use words in conversation that haven't even been invented yet. You have a tape-player?' ââ¬ËOf course I do.' I hefted the cooler. ââ¬ËSteaks?' ââ¬ËYou bet. Peter Luger's. They're ââ¬Ë ââ¬Ë the best in the world. You told me.' As we went into the terminal, someone said, ââ¬ËMichael?' It was Romeo Bissonette, the lawyer who had chaperoned me through my deposition. In one hand he had a box wrapped in blue paper and tied with a white ribbon. Beside him, just rising from one of the lumpy chairs, was a tall guy with a fringe of gray hair. He was wearing a brown suit, a blue shirt, and a string tie with a golf-club on the clasp. He looked more like a farmer on auction day than the sort of guy who'd be a scream when you got a drink or two into him, but I had no doubt this was the private detective. He stepped over the comatose collie and shook hands with me. ââ¬ËGeorge Kennedy, Mr. Noonan. I'm pleased to meet you. My wife has read every single book you ever wrote.' ââ¬ËWell thank her for me.' ââ¬ËI will. I have one in the car a hardcover . . . ââ¬Ë He looked shy, as so many people do when they get right to the point of asking. ââ¬ËI wonder if you'd sign it for her at some point.' ââ¬ËI'd be delighted to,' I said. ââ¬ËRight away's best, then I won't forget.' I turned to Romeo. ââ¬ËGood to see you, Romeo.' ââ¬ËMake it Rommie,' he said. ââ¬ËGood to see you, too.' He held out the box. ââ¬ËGeorge and I clubbed together on this. We thought you deserved something nice for helping a damsel in distress.' Kennedy now did look like a man who might be fun after a few drinks. The kind who might just take a notion to hop onto the nearest table, turn a tablecloth into a kilt, and dance. I looked at John, who gave the kind of shrug that means hey, don't ask me. I pulled off the satin bow, slipped my finger under the Scotch tape holding the paper, then looked up. I caught Rommie Bissonette in the act of elbowing Kennedy. Now they were both grinning. ââ¬ËThere's nothing in here that's going to jump out at me and go booga-booga, is there, guys?' I asked. ââ¬ËAbsolutely not,' Rommie said, but his grin widened. Well, I can be as good a sport as the next guy. I guess. I unwrapped the package, opened the plain white box inside, revealed a square pad of cotton, lifted it out. I had been smiling all through this, but now I felt the smile curl up and die on my mouth. Something went twisting up my spine as well, and I think I came very close to dropping the box. It was the oxygen mask Devore had had on his lap when he met me on The Street, the one he'd snorted from occasionally as he and Rogette paced me, trying to keep me out deep enough to drown. Rommie Bissonette and George Kennedy had brought it to me like the scalp of a dead enemy and I was supposed to think it was funny ââ¬ËMike?' Rommie asked anxiously. ââ¬ËMike, are you okay? It was just a joke ââ¬Ë I blinked and saw it wasn't an oxygen mask at all how in God's name could I have been so stupid? For one thing, it was bigger than Devore's mask; for another, it was made of opaque rather than clear plastic. It was I gave a tentative chuckle. Rommie Bissonette looked tremendously relieved. So did Kennedy. John only looked puzzled. ââ¬ËFunny,' I said. ââ¬ËLike a rubber crutch.' I pulled out the little mike from inside the mask and let it dangle. It swung back and forth on its wire, reminding me of the waggy clock's tail. ââ¬ËWhat the hell is it?' John asked. ââ¬ËPark Avenue lawyer,' Rommie said to George, broadening his accent so it came out Paa-aak Avenew lawyah. ââ¬ËAin't nevah seen one of these, have ya, chummy? Nossir, coss not.' Then he reverted to normal-speak, which was sort of a relief. I've lived in Maine my whole life, and for me the amusement value of burlesque Yankee accents has worn pretty thin. ââ¬ËIt's a Stenomask. The stenog keeping the record at Mike's depo was wearing one. Mike kept looking at him ââ¬Ë ââ¬ËIt freaked me out,' I said. ââ¬ËOld guy sitting in the corner and mumbling into the Mask of Zorro.' ââ¬ËGerry Bliss freaks a lot of people out,' Kennedy said. He spoke in a low rumble. ââ¬ËHe's the last one around here who wears em. He's got ten or eleven left in his mudroom. I know, because I bought that one from him.' ââ¬ËI hope he stuck it to you,' I said. ââ¬ËI thought it would make a nice memento,' Rommie said, ââ¬Ëbut for a second there I thought I'd given you the box with the severed hand in it I hate it when I mix up my gift-boxes like that. What's the deal?' ââ¬ËIt's been a long hot July,' I said. ââ¬ËPut it down to that.' I hung the Stenomask's strap over one finger, dangling it that way. ââ¬ËMattie said to be there by eleven,' John told us. ââ¬ËWe're going to drink beer and throw the Frisbee around.' ââ¬ËI can do both of those things quite well,' George Kennedy said. Outside in the tiny parking lot George went to a dusty Altima, rummaged in the back, and came out with a battered copy of The Red-Shirt Man. ââ¬ËFrieda made me bring this one. She has the newer ones, but this is her favorite. Sorry about how it looks she's read it about six times.' II ââ¬ËIt's my favorite, too,' I said, which was true. ââ¬ËAnd I like to see a book with mileage.' That was also true. I opened the book, looked approvingly at a smear of long-dried chocolate on the flyleaf, and then wrote: For Frieda Kennedy, whose husband was there to lend a hand. Thanks for sharing him, and thanks For reading, Mike Noonan. That was a long inscription for me usually I just stick to Best wishes or Good luck, but I wanted to make up for the curdled expression they had seen on my face when I opened their innocent little gag present. While I was scribbling, George asked me if I was working on a new novel. ââ¬ËNo,' I said. ââ¬ËBatteries currently on recharge.' I handed the book back. ââ¬ËFrieda won't like that.' ââ¬ËNo. But there's always Red-Shirt.' ââ¬ËWe'll follow you,' Rommie said, and a rumble came from deep in the west. It was no louder than the thunder which had rumbled on and off for the last week, but this wasn't dry thunder. We all knew it, and we all looked in that direction. ââ¬ËThink we'll get a chance to eat before it storms?' George asked me. ââ¬ËYeah. Just about barely.' I drove to the gate of the parking lot and glanced right to check for traffic. When I did, I saw John looking at me thoughtfully. ââ¬ËWhat?' ââ¬ËMattie said you were writing, that's all. Book go tits-up on you or something?' My Childhood Friend was just as lively as ever, in fact . . . but it would never be finished. I knew that this morning as well as I knew there was rain on the way. The boys in the basement had for some reason decided to take it back. Asking why might not be such a good idea the answers might be unpleasant. ââ¬ËSomething. I'm not sure just what.' I pulled out onto the highway, checked behind me, and saw Rommie and George following in George's little Altima. America has become a country full of big men in little cars. ââ¬ËWhat do you want me to listen to? If it's home karaoke, I pass. The last thing on earth I want to hear is you singing ââ¬Å"Bubba Shot the Jukebox Last Night.â⬠ââ¬Ë ââ¬ËOh, it's better than that,' he said. ââ¬ËMiles better.' He opened his briefcase, rooted through it, and came out with a plastic cassette box. The tape inside was marked 7-20-98 yesterday. ââ¬ËI love this,' he said. He leaned forward, turned on the radio, then popped the cassette into the player. I was hoping I'd already had my quota of nasty surprises for the morning, but I was wrong. ââ¬ËSorry, I just had to get rid of another call,' John said from my Chevy's speakers in his smoothest, most lawyerly voice. I'd have bet a million dollars that his bony shins hadn't been showing when this tape was made. There was a laugh, both smoky and grating. My stomach seized up at the sound of it. I remembered seeing her for the first time standing outside The Sunset Bar, wearing black shorts over a black tank-style swimsuit. Standing there and looking like a refugee from crash-diet hell. ââ¬ËYou mean you had to turn on your tape-recorder,' she said, and now I remembered how the water had seemed to change color when she nailed me that really good one in the back of the head. From bright orange to dark scarlet it had gone. And then I'd started drinking the lake. ââ¬ËThat's okay. Tape anything you want.' John reached out suddenly and ejected the cassette. ââ¬ËYou don't need to hear this,' he said. ââ¬ËIt's not substantive. I thought you'd get a kick out of her blather, but . . . man, you look terrible. Do you want me to drive? You're white as a fucking sheet.' ââ¬ËI can drive,' I said. ââ¬ËGo on, play it. Afterward I'll tell you about a little adventure I had Friday night . . . but you're going to keep it to yourself. They don't have to know' I jerked my thumb over my shoulder at the Altima ââ¬Ëand Mattie doesn't have to know. Especially Mattie.' He reached for the tape, then hesitated. ââ¬ËYou're sure?' ââ¬ËYeah. It was just hearing her again out of the blue like that. The quality of her voice. Christ, the reproduction is good.' ââ¬ËNothing but the best for Avery, McLain, and Bernstein. We have very strict protocols about what we can tape, by the way. If you were wondering.' ââ¬ËI wasn't. I imagine none of it's admissible in litigation anyway, is it?' ââ¬ËIn certain rare cases a judge might let a tape in, but that's not why we do it. A tape like this saved a man's life four years ago, right around the time I joined the firm. That guy is now in the Witness Protection Program.' ââ¬ËPlay it.' He leaned forward and pushed the button. John: ââ¬ËHow is the desert, Ms. Whitmore?' Whitmore: ââ¬ËHot.' John: ââ¬ËArrangements progressing nicely? I know how difficult times like this can ââ¬Ë Whitmore: ââ¬ËYou know very little, counsellor, take it from me. Can we cut the crap?' John: ââ¬ËConsider it cut.' Whitmore: ââ¬ËHave you conveyed the conditions of Mr. Devore's will to his daughter-in-law?' John: ââ¬ËYes ma'am.' Whitmore: ââ¬ËHer response?' John: ââ¬ËI have none to give you now. I may have after Mr. Devore's will has been probated. But surely you know that such codicils are rarely if ever accepted by the courts.' Whitmore: ââ¬ËWell, if that little lady moves out of town, we'll see, won't we?' John: ââ¬ËI suppose we will.' Whitmore: ââ¬ËWhen is the victory party?' John: ââ¬ËExcuse me?' Whitmore: ââ¬ËOh please. I have sixty different appointments today, plus a boss to bury tomorrow. You're going up there to celebrate with her and her daughter, aren't you? Did you know she's invited the writer? Her fuck-buddy?' John turned to me gleefully. ââ¬ËDo you hear how pissed she sounds? She's trying to hide it, but she can't. It's eating her up inside!' I barely heard him. I was in the zone with what she was saying (the writer her fuck-buddy) and what was under what she was saying. Some quality beneath the words. We just want to see how long you can swim, she had called out to me. John: ââ¬ËI hardly think what I or Mattie's friends do is any of your business, Ms Whitmore. May I respectfully suggest that you party with your friends and let Mattie Devore party with h Whitmore: ââ¬ËGive him a message.' Me. She was talking about me. Then I realized it was even more personal than that she was talking to me. Her body might be on the other side of the country, but her voice and spiteful spirit were right here in the car with us. And Max Devore's will. Not the meaningless shit his lawyers had put down on paper but his will. The old bastard was as dead as Damocles, but yes, he was definitely still seeking custody. John: ââ¬ËGive who a message, Ms. Whitmore?' Whitmore: ââ¬ËTell him he never answered Mr. Devore's question.' John: ââ¬ËWhat question is that?' Does her cunt suck? Whitmore: ââ¬ËAsk him. He'll know.' John: ââ¬ËIf you mean Mike Noonan, you can ask him yourself. You'll see him in Castle County Probate Court this fall.' Whitmore: ââ¬ËI hardly think so. Mr. Devore's will was made and witnessed out here.' John: ââ¬ËNevertheless, it will be probated in Maine, where he died. My heart is set on it. And when you leave Castle County the next time, Rogette, you will do so with your education in matters of the law considerably broadened.' For the first time she sounded angry, her voice rising to a reedy caw. Whitmore: ââ¬ËIf you think ââ¬Ë John: ââ¬ËI don't think. I know. Goodbye, Ms. Whitmore.' Whitmore: ââ¬ËYou might do well to stay away from ââ¬Ë There was a click, the hum of an open line, then a robot voice saying ââ¬ËNine-forty A.M. . . . Eastern Daylight . . . July . . . twentieth.' John punched EJECT, collected his tape, and stored it back in his briefcase. ââ¬ËI hung up on her.' He sounded like a man telling you about his first skydive. ââ¬ËI actually did. She was mad, wasn't she? Wouldn't you say she was seriously pissed?' ââ¬ËYeah.' It was what he wanted to hear but not what I really believed. Pissed, yes. Seriously pissed? Maybe not. Because Mattie's location and state of mind hadn't been her concern; Rogette had called to talk to me. To tell me she was thinking of me. To bring back memories of how it felt to tread water with the back of your head gushing blood. To freak me out. And she had succeeded. ââ¬ËWhat was the question you didn't answer?' John asked me. ââ¬ËI don't know what she meant by that,' I said, ââ¬Ëbut I can tell you why hearing her turned me a little white in the gills. If you can be discreet, and if you want to hear.' ââ¬ËWe've got eighteen miles to cover; lay it on me.' I told him about Friday night. I didn't clutter my version with visions or psychic phenomena; there was just Michael Noonan out for a sunset walk along The Street. I'd been standing by a birch tree which hung over the lake, watching the sun drop toward the mountains, when they came up behind me. From the point where Devore charged me with his wheelchair to the point where I finally got back onto solid ground, I stuck pretty much to the truth. When I finished, John was at first utterly silent. It was a measure of how thrown for a loop he was; under normal circumstances he was every bit the chatterbox Ki was. ââ¬ËWell?' I asked. ââ¬ËComments? Questions?' ââ¬ËLift your hair so I can see behind your ear.' I did as he asked, revealing a big Band-Aid and a large area of swelling. John leaned forward to study it like a little kid observing his best friend's battle-scar during recess. ââ¬ËHoly shit,' he said at last. It was my turn to say nothing. ââ¬ËThose two old fucks tried to drown you.' I said nothing. ââ¬ËThey tried to drown you for helping Mattie.' Now I really said nothing. ââ¬ËAnd you never reported it?' ââ¬ËI started to,' I said, ââ¬Ëthen realized I'd make myself look like a whiny little asshole. And a liar, most likely.' ââ¬ËHow much do you think Osgood might know?' ââ¬ËAbout them trying to drown me? Nothing. He's just a messenger boy.' A little more of that unusual quiet from John. After a few seconds of it he reached out and touched the lump on the back of my head. ââ¬ËOw!' ââ¬ËSorry.' A pause. ââ¬ËJesus. Then he went back to Warrington's and pulled the pin. Jesus. Michael, I never would have played that tape if I'd known ââ¬Ë ââ¬ËIt's all right. But don't even think of telling Mattie. I'm wearing my hair over my ear like that for a reason.' ââ¬ËWill you ever tell her, do you think?' ââ¬ËI might. Some day when he's been dead long enough so we can laugh about me swimming with my clothes on.' ââ¬ËThat might be awhile,' he said. ââ¬ËYeah. It might.' We drove in silence for a bit. I could sense John groping for a way to bring the day back to jubilation, and loved him for it. He leaned forward, turned on the radio, and found something loud and nasty by Guns ââ¬Ën Roses welcome to the jungle, baby, we got fun and games. ââ¬ËParty 'til we puke,' he said. ââ¬ËRight?' I grinned. It wasn't easy with the sound of the old woman's voice still clinging to me like light slime, but I managed. ââ¬ËIf you insist,' I said. ââ¬ËI do,' he said. ââ¬ËMost certainly.' ââ¬ËJohn, you're a good guy for a lawyer.' ââ¬ËAnd you're a good one for a writer.' This time the grin on my face felt more natural and stayed on longer. We passed the marker reading TR-90, and as we did, the sun burned through the haze and flooded the day with light. It seemed like an omen of better times ahead, until I looked into the west. There, black in the bright, I could see the thunderheads building up over the White Mountains.
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